The bunker escape challenge is centered around an old, decrepit barn located near the abandoned home. Beneath it lay a secret passageway leading to an underground bunker, where you would need to collect 45 eerie, star-like objects scattered about without any pattern. But if even one was missed, escape would be impossible. Can you collect all 45-star artifacts in order to activate the portal that will lead to freedom?
Tall Man Runner 3D
Letter Popping
Guess the Movies!
The Forest Full
Event Space
Drift Bmw Car-SBH
Doge Bottle
Timberland Arrange Puzzle Game
Ladder Race Climber
Stickman Miner
Save My Pet
SafeSphere Abyss
Princess Aurora Wedding
Boat Rescue Challenge
Solitaire: Klondike
World of Alice Draw Shapes
Army Run Merge
Princess Neko Girl
Sonic Revert
Candy Burst
Skibidi Match Master
Kardashians Spooky Makeup
Doggy Vs Zombie
Mystic Quest
Flip Ninja
Skibidi Blast
Halloween Mazes
Chess free