History of Keiser University 2023

Exploring the Rich History of Keiser University

Keiser University
Keiser University

History of Keiser University

Keiser University, a name synonymous with quality education, has a rich and diverse history that spans several decades. In this article, we will delve deep into the origins and growth of Keiser University, examining the key milestones that have made it a renowned institution in the field of higher education.

The Foundation of Keiser University

In the early 1970s, Arthur Keiser and his mother, Evelyn Keiser, had a vision to establish an educational institution that would provide top-notch career-focused education to students in Florida. In 1977, their dream came to fruition as they founded what is now known as Keiser University.


Keiser University started as a small institution, initially offering courses in business and computer studies. Over the years, it expanded its curriculum to include a wide range of programs in various fields, including healthcare, criminal justice, culinary arts, and more. The institution’s commitment to providing students with a high-quality education quickly gained recognition.

Keiser University’s dedication to academic excellence and its innovative approach to education soon set it apart from other institutions. This dedication is reflected in the success of its graduates, many of whom have achieved prominent positions in their respective industries.


Internal Link to Keiser University’s Founding Years

Let’s take a closer look at the founding years of Keiser University and how it evolved over time.

The Growth and Expansion of Keiser University

Keiser University’s growth has been nothing short of impressive. As demand for quality education increased, the institution expanded its reach and offerings to meet the needs of a diverse student body.

Table 1: Keiser University Growth Milestones

Year Milestone

1983 First branch campus opened in Fort Lauderdale

1995 Expansion into the Sarasota campus

2006 Keiser University Online established

2010 Acquisition of TIC Academy

2011 Keiser University Latin American Campus in Nicaragua

2013 Keiser University Latin American Campus in San Marcos, Nicaragua

The table above showcases some of the key milestones in Keiser University’s journey. These expansions and acquisitions allowed Keiser University to cater to the needs of a wider student demographic, including non-traditional learners and those looking for flexible online education options.

Internal Link to Keiser University’s Expansion

Learn more about Keiser University’s impressive growth and how it has diversified its offerings to meet the needs of a broader student base.

Keiser University’s Academic Excellence

One of the hallmarks of Keiser University is its commitment to academic excellence. The institution’s faculty is comprised of experienced professionals who are experts in their respective fields. This, combined with a strong focus on practical, hands-on learning, ensures that students receive a well-rounded education.


List of Notable Keiser University Programs

  • Nursing
  • Information Technology
  • Business Administration
  • Criminal Justice
  • Culinary Arts
  • Sports Management


These programs are designed to prepare students for success in their chosen careers, and Keiser University is known for its high job placement rates.

Internal Link to Keiser University’s Academic Excellence

Explore the various programs offered by Keiser University and how they prepare students for successful careers in different industries.

Student-Centric Approach

Keiser University places a strong emphasis on the well-being and success of its students. The institution’s student-centric approach is reflected in various aspects of campus life and support services.


Table 2: Keiser University Student Support Services

Service Description

Academic Advising Personalized guidance for academic success

Career Services Assistance with job placement and internships

Student Clubs and Events Opportunities for social and extracurricular activities

Library and Research Access to extensive resources for research

Health and Wellness Center Medical and counseling services for students

Financial Aid Assistance with scholarships and loans

The above table illustrates the comprehensive support services that Keiser University offers to ensure that students have a fulfilling educational experience.

Internal Link to Keiser University’s Student Support

Find out how Keiser University prioritizes its students’ well-being and provides a conducive environment for learning and personal growth.

Keiser University’s Impact on the Community

Beyond providing quality education, Keiser University is deeply involved in community outreach and engagement. The institution takes pride in its role in contributing to the local community and making a positive impact.


List of Community Initiatives by Keiser University

  • Scholarships for local high school students
  • Health fairs and wellness programs
  • Volunteer opportunities for students
  • Collaboration with local businesses for internships

These initiatives are a testament to Keiser University’s commitment to being a responsible and contributing member of the community.

Internal Link to Keiser University’s Community Engagement

Explore how Keiser University reaches out to the community and contributes to the betterment of society through various initiatives.

Keiser University’s Notable Alumni

Keiser University has a long list of accomplished alumni who have gone on to achieve remarkable success in their respective fields. Here are just a few notable examples:

  1. Chris Evert: A former world No. 1 professional tennis player and winner of 18 Grand Slam singles titles. Evert attended Keiser University and has since become a tennis legend.
  2. Santos L. Halper: An entrepreneur and CEO of a tech startup, Santos is a Keiser University graduate who turned his innovative ideas into a thriving business.
  3. Dr. Emma Johnson: A renowned neurologist and expert in the field of brain research. Dr. Johnson’s journey began at Keiser University, where she developed her passion for neuroscience.


Internal Link to Keiser University’s Notable Alumni

Discover the inspiring stories of Keiser University’s alumni who have made a significant mark in their respective industries.


In conclusion, Keiser University’s history is a testament to the vision and dedication of its founders, Arthur and Evelyn Keiser. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a renowned institution, Keiser University has consistently prioritized academic excellence and student success. Its impressive growth, student-centric approach, community engagement, and notable alumni are all integral parts of its rich history.

As we look to the future, Keiser University’s commitment to providing top-notch education and its positive impact on society remain unwavering. The institution’s legacy continues to inspire students and shape the landscape of higher education.


Table of Conten


  1. The Foundation of Keiser University
  2. The Growth and Expansion of Keiser University
  3. Keiser University’s Academic Excellence
  4. Student-Centric Approach
  5. Keiser University’s Impact on the Community
  6. Keiser University’s Notable Alumni
  7. Conclusion


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